the dance of the ink riddled fingers

one of many English idiosyncrasies

Posted in thought spills by enisea on 04/03/2011

/ɪˈnjuːmərɪt-/ [ih-noo-mer-it, ih-nyoo-]
1. unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods; unable to use mathematics; not numerate.
2. an innumerate person.


/ɪˈnu məˌreɪt, ɪˈnyu-/  [ih-noo-muh-reyt, ih-nyoo-]  
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
1. to mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, as in a list: Let me enumerate the many flaws in your hypothesis.
2. to ascertain the number of; count.


I love the English language. What with its flexible irrationality, its assumed pronunciations besides the exceptions to it (without apparent reason), the reproducing lexicon of words evolved from slang, poetic confusion of grammar structure, inexhaustible roots to words from all over the world, words that without context would sound and sometimes appear identical but would otherwise be, inconsistent patterns in which meaning can be attained, abbreviations, and puns.  This language is like an explanding playground for me – I can run, dance, cry, and mock you with it.  I adore the power that comes with communication and I will wield it here in attempts to impress you, meanwhile struggling in my indecision to keep you from understanding me completely (for that is vulnerability I couldn’t yet bear to nake) yet effectively expressing something I wish you to comprehend is exactly the reason I write.

Why I do what I do is a mystery to myself at times.